Everything you need to know!
The core reunion dates are Thursday, July 29 through Saturday, July 31, 2021. Thursday is considered
arrival day, Friday will be when the reunion festivities are planned and Saturday is for final opportunities
to visit together informally. Early arrivals and late departures are encouraged, but we wanted a stake in the reunion-schedule ground for those who would rather get here, have some fun, and get-on home.
Schedule of Events – an Overview
The festivities begin informally on Thursday around the dinner hour. We will have a meet and greet
opportunity at Reunion Head Quarters, Lucy, and Jerry Pieh's house in Arrowsic, just outside Bath, ME, starting at about 4 pm. We will be under a tent so as to be weather independent. Friday the 30th from 4:00 to 10:00 PM will be the main event of the reunion: a group photo at 5:00, a remembrance of those who have come before us, a lobster bake (with chicken, vegetarian, and hot dog options). Because Kempers love to sing, we just might do a bit of a singing. For those planning to come early or stay late (or both) there are lots of things to do on the Maine Coast in the summer, just in case you wanted to think about wrapping a longer vacation around the reunion. (For suggestions, see Places to Go and Things to Do.)
We have reserved a block of hotel rooms for Thursday the 29 th through Saturday the 31 st at the Days Inn in Brunswick, Maine, which is about 20 minutes from Arrowsic and the Pieh’s home. If someone would like to stay at the Days Inn, they should call the hotel at (207) 725–8883 and ask to make a reservation under the room block for Kemper Reunion 2021. We have a guaranteed rate per room for two people of $105 for a weeknight, Monday through Thursday, and $115 per night for weekends, Friday through Sunday. An additional adult in the room is $15 per person. For additional children, the first child is free and the second child is $10. A buffet breakfast is included in the room charge. The Brunswick Days Inn web site is HERE. The room rates are guaranteed until May 31 st , 2021. There is a Marriott Residence Inn and a Hampton Inn in Bath, only 10 minutes from the Pieh’s, but the cost of rooms is double compared to the Days Inn.
Family Memory - Building Legacy Swap
Let’s just call this, “The Swap”.
Cousin Jim reminds us that organizing this reunion is not about raising money. It’s about having fun and creating memories. It’s about finding inspiration and remembering past good times. Additionally it’s about a bit of reconnecting with old loved ones and meeting new ones to love too.
The purpose of The Swap is to give each of us the opportunity to honor the Kemper LEGACY by personally contributing to the fun, memories and inspiration of the reunion. By doing so we celebrate the talents, generosity and capacity of those of us carrying the LEGACY forward.
We will have a table for family heirlooms, artsy projects and hand crafted treasures that you believe someone else in the family might like to have. Items that might bring a warm memory to someone else. Like the ear rings Aunt S’ Ordie’s wore at every happy occasion, or a copy of the Time Magazine cover with Uncle John’s picture on it.
Some of us have skills, hobbies or pastimes that result in something of value. Many of these things are beautiful, inspiring or fun to have. The Swap will celebrate this by asking the producers to donate something they have produced that might help build memories of this signal family event.
Some of us have collections of interesting things – family or otherwise. Perhaps something from this category belongs on The Swap table.
The objective of The Swap is for every member of our modern family to create a memory opportunity for another member of the family. Trading on the purpose of the reunion, part of each of our legacy can be to create a special memory-opportunity for another. It does not cost any money; it is built on our own generosity and creativity, and the outcome is priceless.
The Swap will take place around the lobster bake. Everyone is asked to donate something to this free event – regardless of age. What you decide to bring is not important and totally up to you. It can be of your own creation or from your stash of treasured family heirlooms, or maybe even something that you know someone else in the family would really treasure having. If your item needs an explanation write it up and stick it on. If you have a message that needs to go with your item, write it down and stick it on, too.
Before dinner there will be several tables around the tent labeled, The Swap. Put your donated items on these tables. Look through the items already there for something that twigs a memory or represents something you believe or want to remember about the family. Take it, it is yours.
What are the rules? There are no rules. You can’t make rules governing gifts from the heart. (But, do I dare say, no junk please?)
Don’t wrap anything up in pretty paper; you WANT people to know just what they are swapping for. Nobody will be keeping track of who did and who did not give or take something. It would be nice if everyone brought something and everyone took something else home. Items should be age appropriate so each piece is truly given-by a specific person and swapped-for a specific memory, creating, in the end, a lovely and perhaps even treasured keepsake from the first annual Kemper Family Reunion. On another level, maybe some will give and swap items that to them represent the legacy that our forbearers have given us, and the responsibility we have to leave for our children and grandchildren.
Suggestions? Please hit the hyperlink for KemperFamilyReunion@gmail.com on the website so that your thoughts can be addressed.